ISF Waterloo | International Community Belgium 2017 | Levensloop

Team ISF Waterloo


International Community Belgium 2017

ISF Waterloo is an International School in Rhode-Saint-Genese that is proud to return for its second year of participation at Relay for Life--ICB! Four ISF team members currently serve on this year's Relay for Life Committee. 

Empowerment through Community
Streefbedrag: 1000 €
Ingezameld: 1607 €

Team members (24)

Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€

Onze supporters

Johann Eriksen
Darren Anderson
Good luck!
Alisa Zucker
Dear Rebecca, We are so proud of you and all the amazing things that you are doing. Good luck this weekend! With love, The Zucker Family
Teammember: Rebecca Barry
Barry Rebecca
There are so many thanks to give to our wonderful ISF Teams! A special shout-out to: - Esther Vandromme and Derrick Johnson for organising the art auction - The MY2 Project Management class for holding bake sales, with proceeds going to Relay - Our registered team members - And anyone who ever bought a Tombola ticket or a chocolate chip cookie :-) We are so happy to support such a great cause!
Barry Rebecca
From Cathy Barry, to her daughter, via her daughter's bank account, because her international credit card isn't working. XD
Teammember: Rebecca Barry
Angela Lunness
Good luck ISF Waterloo.

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