Red Rocks Church | International Community Belgium 2017 | Levensloop

Team Red Rocks Church


International Community Belgium 2017

English Speaking evangelical church in Waterloo
Streefbedrag: 1000 €
Ingezameld: 1123 €

Team members (4)

Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 10€
Ingezameld: 60€

Onze supporters

Michael Black
My donation this year is in honour of my father, Gordon Black, who was a cancer survivor, and of Samantha Jones and Josée Witherow who are both currently battling cancer over in North America.
Steve Kamishlian
We have two friends fighting cancer now. Thanks for doing this.
Family Hincka
Go Team Red Rocks!
Teammember: Family Hincka
McCalmont Johanna

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